
Saturday, December 18, 2010

I have been neglecting my blog...but I think its about time to start again! We have 6 months from today until our Wedding and I think the next 6 months should be exciting and why not blog about it!!! :) Keep posted as we go through this journey...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

After a while you learn the subtle
difference between holding a hand and
chaining a soul, And you learn that
love doesnt mean leaning and company
doesnt mean security, And you begin to
learn that kisses arent contracts and
presents arent promises, And you
begin to accept your defeats with your
head up and your eyes open, with the
grace of an adult, not the grief of a
child. And you learn to build all your
roads on today because tomorrows ground
is too uncertain for plans. After a while
you learn that even sunshine burns
if you get too much.
So plant your garden and decorate your
own soul, instead of waiting for someone
to bring you flowers.
And you learn that you really are strong,
And you really do have worth.

I let someone bring me down...bring doubts to my mind...take the wind out of my sails...but I all I was doing was letting them win...
Here's what I do the people you know you can them with all you have and don't let anyone get in the way of that...what people say or do doesn't matter...all that matters is the truth.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


This one is my favorite!

A friend of mind (thanks Trisha for the good Idea) posted something on facebook about a contest having to do with favorite signs...I started thinking about all the signs around my house that I LOVE...I put them all around to remind me of all the things I'm blessed with and all the things I should remember! So today I went around and took some pictures of the "signs" in my house...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Maci caught this gigantic moth and her and Reghyn had it prisoner in her metal lunchbox...and then they let it loose in her room...I tried to explain to them that if they don't put it back outside it was going to die, as I walked away they were having a conversation about the pros and cons of letting it go back is the end of the conversation: Maci says "Reghyn, I think we are just going to have to do this, I'm sorry, but I don't want Mothy to die" Reghyns says "ok Maci, your right, but we will always remember him, right!?" and Maci says "oh Reghyn your are right, we will always remember him, what a good Moth" and together they say "good bye Mothy" as they somberly walk to the door to set him free...ahhhhhh, I almost peed my pants...

Monday, June 21, 2010


Our cat, Rapunzel, had babies about 7 weeks ago. For anyone who knows me, knows that I always said a good cat was a dead cat...probably because I am VERY allergic...but this stray little cat showed up one day and it was starving so I felt bad and began feeding it, thinking it could live outside only and help with the mice problem...well...this cat and I should have had a bit of a "talk" apparently because we discovered she was pregnant one day. Weeks later she had somehow snuck in and had 4 baby kitties in our bedroom closet...ugh!!! To be honest I felt somehow responsible for these innocent little babies and have become quite attached to them. They are just starting to come out of the shed and spend some time playing. This morning I took some pictures of my "grandkitties"...Rosie, Kevin, Rapunzel Jr. and Puppy.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Maci had her big ballet recital last night...she looked amazing and did a spectacular job in her performance! She looked so cute up there on that big stage. I was such a proud Mommy!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Here's what our Sunday looked like...

We have been so busy and so much going on, feels like we always have a project or running here and there, but today we took the day was so nice to be home and not have to really do anything or go anywhere...we really enjoyed our relaxing day, especially because we know it will not happen again for awhile!
The day was spent resting, computer games, scrapbooking, college baseball and homemade lasagna! :-) I Loved being home in our pjs all day with my 3 favorite people!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I am sitting here in front of my computer trying to decide what to blog about tonight...nothing much is happening here except the big countdown until the end of school: 5 days and 2.5 hours!

I am silent, thinking about something interesting to tell you...and I listen...

What I hear is Kevin and Maci encouraging and cheering on Kaedn, who is eating a taco...this warms my heart and makes me incredibly proud!


If you know Kaedn at all, he has suffered with a terrible eating problem...terrible...
but within the last couple weeks he has eaten spaghetti, steak, chicken nuggets, ham sandwiches, chicken stir fry (that was a rough one) and now tacos. He has come along way in just a short amount of time and I am very proud of him...

also...I hear Kevin cleaning up the big mess I made in the kitchen and that warms my heart too...teehee! :-)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Let's try this again...

I loved blogging before...but we had so much going on in our lives and then...facebook happened...but to be honest, I am getting burnt out on facebook, so I thought I would give this a try again.

What a difference a year can make...soooo much has we continue forward on our journey, I hope this will be a good way to have you "join" us. :-)